Is my water safe to drink?

We test bore, tank, river, creek and dam water to ensure it is safe to drink. There are 4 types of tests we recommend to get the full picture of your water:

  • Nutrient content and general water quality, reported against the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines
  • Microbial Indicators – including an E.coli test
  • Chemical Residue – 67 common organo-phosphates and organo-chlorides
  • Heavy Metals

Whether you have one or all of these tests done is your own personal choice, however we recommend all 4 in order to answer the question β€œIs my water safe to drink?”

Will my water cause scaling, corrosion or discolouration of my bathroom?

Our General Water Quality and Nutrient testing includes a test of the Langlier Saturation Index (LSI). The LSI provides a rating of water on a scale of corrosive to scaling. This will provide you with an indication of the effect your water may be having on your plumbing, bathroom tiles or pool surface.

Most plumbing specialty stores are familiar with LSI ratings and can then advise you on what you need to do to avoid damage.